Laundry locker questions and answers

This is where we answer all questions or concerns about smart laundry lockers. We will talk about the business model, software, hardware, how it works, technical requirements. If you have any additional questions, write us and we will gladly help you

Laundry lockers is not a franchise model,
we will provide you with the software, hardware and our knowledge so that you can develop your own brand

You can mark the lockers
with the name of your laundry company,
so you can obtain greater brand awareness and presence, best marketing, free advertising

The business model deals as follows:
The laundry company buys the locker
must pay a monthly payment for the use of the platform. that makes it possible for the locker to work.

The locker to deposit and withdraw your customers' clothes,
more than one,
is a tool that will facilitate and save you money and time in the logistics of your laundry

The benefits are many:
Save on personal expenses
A laundry point open 24 hours
Optimize laundry logistics
Greater coverage of the laundry service
Customer loyalty

Explanation and training to add it to your current workflow of your laundry company

The price of the laundry locker depends
on the size, request a quote.

Software licensing is necessary for the system to function This platform is in charge of managing each of the lockers, opening and closing doors, sending codes and everything related to the delivery and collection of clothes

The platform that manages the lockers allows
you to see the washing service orders in real time How many services to deliver?
How many services to pick up? customers,
service history

If your company handles some software, it is possible to integrate through an API
An API in simple terms allows us to communicate two or more platforms through an interface.

We teach you, we train
The interface of the platform is very intuitive and easy to use, here you can see in real time, the active laundry lockers

If you want a custom functionality for your laundry,
we can add it tothe operation of the software.
we have a team of developers that can make it happen.

The locker is designed to work 24/7
The laundry customer can deposit the clothes for washing at any time.
The company does the cleaning of the clothes, return the clean clothes to the locker finally the client removes the clean clothes

The customer reserves a locker and receives a 6-digit Code Enter the code in the locker and deposit the clothes. The laundry removes clothes for washing with a Code When it is clean, it deposits the clothes with a Code Finally, the customer receives a Code to pick up the clothes in his mail and/or by phone. Everything works securely with random tokens.

No need to download any app.
A big advantage,
less worries.

the tokens or 6-digit codes to open the locker doors They are sent by mail or via text message

The locker must have an internet connection to work, it is equipped with electronic locks which can be opened using a 6-digit code the platform can identify and report if a door is open or a box is full.

each door has an electronic lock that is connected to the internet of things the locker door is opened only by a Code.

For proper functioning of the laundry locker You basically need two things: current electrical fluid at 110 volts connection to a stable internet network

We manufacture the locker according to the business model in which your laundry is focused. By weight or bag delicate garments

You have a project or a special locker design in mind, we can make it happen

We are manufacturers of software and hardware for laundry lockers, we have trained personnel to help your laundry grow.