Terms And Conditions

The following Terms and Conditions that will be presented below apply to the use of the website www.smartlaundrylocker.com, the operating software, products and/or services of LAUNDRY LOCKER. This to provide an intelligent network system for the use and management of intelligent laundry services in order to optimize the delivery and collection of garments.


1.1 The Users: The terms and conditions shall apply to all Users who purchase or make use of the services and/or products provided by LAUNDRY LOCKER, (unless otherwise established in writing between User and Laundry Locker).

1.2 Before using the services , the User must read and accept the terms and conditions. If he/she does not agree with them, he/she must refrain from using the services.

1.3 The User shall comply without conditions or exceptions of any nature with these terms and conditions . You shall also be responsible for any errors or mistakes in the accuracy, quality, completeness, and legality of your Data and how you acquired them.

1.4 Privacy and Personal Data: You acknowledge and agree that LAUNDRY LOCKER and/or its partners and/or third parties may monitor your use of the Products and Services and access your Data provided for the use of the Products and Services.

1.5 The use of the products and/or services attributes the condition of users in the terms and conditions, published from the website of Laundry Locker, where the user accepts each one of the exposed points, now he/she uses the products.
This means that the Terms and Conditions shall be valid as a binding agreement between the user (natural or legal) and Laundry Locker with respect to the use of the products and/or services. In the case of a company, the user who accepts the Terms and Conditions does so on behalf of the company or legal entity. For this reason, the User must have sufficient powers to obligate the entity to comply with the Terms and Conditions.

1.6 The User declares to be legally able to contract and not to have any impediment according to the laws of Colombia and/or the applicable jurisdictions, for such reason is obliged to use the Products and Services for a lawful purpose.
If the User does not have such powers, he/she must refrain from using the Products on behalf of such legal entity.

1.7 The User agrees and acknowledges that the data collected from Users will be used for billing and acknowledgement purposes to enable the proper use of the Products and/or Services provided by Laundry Locker ....... as provided in sections 4.1, 4.2 and 5.2 of these terms and conditions.
Such data will be used in accordance with the privacy policy available for consultation on the Website.


2.1 You agree to receive information from LAUNDRY LOCKER at the address you provided when you subscribed to the Website.


The correct use of the lockers can be found in the notices, rules of use, instructions, policies, terms and conditions (supplementary or specific) that are already published on the platform or may be published in the future.

3.1 Provision of services: The products and services will be made available to the user according to these terms and conditions.
The provision of the services shall remain solely under the power of Laundry Locker, which may modify, delete, or suspend, permanently or temporarily, features and functions of these at any time, without prior notice and without giving the user any right of claim whatsoever.

3.2 Internet Connection:Some services are provided through an Internet connection that the user may have, releasing Laundry Locker from any liability for any connection problem that, by virtue thereof, may prevent the use of the services.

3.3 Obligations of the User: The user shall be obliged to refrain from performing any of the following acts, being the sole responsible in case of doing so: Use the products and/or services to violate any applicable law (directly or indirectly), whatever its nature, whether departmental, provincial, state, national or international. Distribute, receive, or transmit sexual, obscene, or pornographic material.
You must not bring in firearms or ammunition, contraband, narcotics, hallucinogens, or any other items or chemical substances prohibited by law. You must not bring in firearms or ammunition, contraband, narcotics, hallucinogens, or any other article or chemical substances prohibited by law. You must not bring in live or dead animals.
Enter, deliver, or receive products that are harmful to: lockers, people who operate them or are near them, such as: biological products susceptible to decomposition, corrosive, flammable or explosive products, weapons or any other object that violates any applicable law, national or international, or morals, good customs, or public order. Transmit, distribute, or store any information, Data or materials that violate provincial, departmental, state, national or international laws or regulations. Send, receive or transmit any information and/or materials whose content is, directly or indirectly, (without the following being considered a limitation) infringing, profane, abusive, defamatory and/or fraudulent, or which discloses private or personal matters affecting any person, or in any way violates the rights of others. Access the Products/Services using false, erroneous or non-existent data, whether as a natural or legal person.
Post or transmit material that the user has no right to transmit under any law (copyright, trademark, trade secret, patent or other proprietary rights of third parties, but not limited to that alone) or under contractual or fiduciary relationships (such as non-disclosure agreements) Violate or alter in any way the authentication, identity verification and security systems of the products and/or services, networks or accounts of users, brands, administrators and/or those responsible for the products or services!
Attempt to access the Lockers, services and/or accounts without express authorization to do so or attempt to test or alter in any way and at any level the security of the Smart Laundry Locker networks, using any kind of tools that serve the same or similar purposes. Attempt interruptions, variations, or cuts in Internet communications, such as altering routing, derivation and/or distribution information, deliberately overloading one or more Products and/or Services (overflow, DDoS or similar), carrying out computer attacks on other computers over the Internet or any other type of computer communications network, global, local and/or internal, among others.
Adulterate advertisements included in the Platform and/or in any other Internet site allied and/or associated to Laundry Locker. Use any program, command(s), send messages of any kind intended to interfere with the session established by a user at any point on the Internet. Carry out any type of monitoring involving the interception of information not intended for the User.
Send or transmit files with viruses or other destructive features that may affect the operation of a third party's computer, and/or may affect the proper functioning of these and/or the Products or Services.
Use any computer program (software) or other deceptive means to increase or seek patrimonial or commercial advantages in favor of the User or third parties not authorized by Laundry Lockers or not foreseen in these Terms and Conditions.
Take any action that restricts, denies, or prevents any individual, group, entity or organization from using the Products and/or Services, and the Internet in general.
The use of any method or system, computer or otherwise, by the User and/or third parties on behalf of the User for the purpose of using the Products or Services, which are not expressly authorized by Laundry Lockers in these Terms and Conditions and/or by other express means, is prohibited and shall be grounds for the sanctions and/or proceedings contemplated herein, without prejudice to the legal actions that Laundry Lockers and/or its representatives and/or successors may bring to that effect.
Landry Lockers will terminate the contract in advance and will remove the goods of the user who disregards these Terms and Conditions, of which it will notify the USER by e-mail and to the registered address, and, to the competent authorities.

3.4 Limitations of Use: The Products and Services and/or their features may be subject to other limitations such as, for example, limits on disk storage space, limits on the data transfer rate allowed in the programming interface of the Platform, limits on space in the Lockers.


4.1 Locker specially designed to store garments. Intelligent laundry lockers are equipped with lockers for washing by the pound by the bag and delicate garments.

4.2 Clothing and/or garments shall not be manufactured or contain hazardous or flammable materials.

4.3 Garments must be thoroughly inspected before being taken to the Laundry Locker services, i.e., they must not contain food, medications, valuables, illicit items, etc.

4.4 All garments must be lawful. If for any reason you wish Laundry Locker to handle any restricted use garment, you must notify Laundry Locker.
Refer to as "Garment" clothing such as: shirts, t-shirts, pants, jeans, jackets, blouses, shorts, etc.


5.1 In the event that the User does not remove the items from the Locker within a period of 5 days from the date they were deposited, Laundry Locker shall be obliged to open the respective locker and remove the items inside the Locker. The opening of the Locker and the removal of the things shall be carried out in the presence of a witness or notary, who shall record in a record the inventory of things deposited in the Locker. The items removed will be kept by the Laundry Locker or authorized entity for a maximum period of 30 days and must be removed by the User within such period at 45 day


6.1 Reservation of Rights: The use of the products and/or services does not grant any property right (intellectual or otherwise) on the same or content protected by intellectual property rights to which the user accesses, which correspond in all cases to Laundry Locker, its associates, or related companies.

6.2 Reservation of Rights: All rights are reserved. The Lockers, the Software, the Site, and other content offered by Laundry Locker are protected by laws, treaties and international conventions on copyright, intellectual property protection, among other applicable regulations. The Products and other content offered by LAUNDRY LOCKERS contain certain materials and software and hardware developments subject to license or other legal authorizations, and both Laundry Lockers and its associated companies may protect their rights in the event of any breach of these Terms and Conditions.

6.3 Reservation of Rights: Laundry Lockers may have a section on the Site to incorporate any suggestions, requests for improvement, recommendations or other comments provided by the User regarding the operation of the Products and Services.


7. 1 User agrees to defend and hold harmless Laundry Locker against any claim made or brought against Laundry Locker by any third party (including governmental authorities) alleging that any Data User enters into the system or User's use of the Services in breach of these Terms and Conditions violates or misappropriates the intellectual property rights of such third party or violates applicable law; and you will indemnify Laundry Lockers for damages arising from any judgment (including court costs and expenses), provided that Laundry Locker promptly notifies you in writing of the claim. Laundry Locker shall have sole control of the defense and proceedings relating to the claim.


8.1 Laundry Locker offers an intelligent secure exchange solution and not a safekeeping or custody service. Laundry Locker shall not be liable for the contents deposited in the Lockers that may eventually be damaged and/or lost, either by other Users or by third parties, in cases of force majeure.

8.2 Laundry Locker shall not be liable for theft, nor for damages suffered by the garments left in the locker, nor for malicious acts of third parties, nor for losses caused by fire, floods, riots, vandalism or acts of nature.

8.3 The User must bear in mind that laundry Locker contracts its access to the Site and its servers with a third-party provider of such service. Consequently, the User accepts and acknowledges that the Products and/or Services may not always be available, due to technical difficulties, Internet or provider failures, congestion on the Internet, on social networks or for any other reason beyond Laundry Locker's control.

8.4 Laundry Locker does not guarantee the availability and continuity of the operation of the Products and Services; nor does it guarantee the usefulness of the Products and Services for the performance of any activity, nor their infallibility and, in particular, but not exclusively, that Users may actually use the Products and Services, or all of them.

8.5 Laundry Locker reserves the right to make any modifications it deems necessary to improve the quality and performance of the Products and Services, without this implying a commitment to comply with them.


9.1 Any notification or other communication to be made under these Terms and Conditions must be made in writing to the e-mail account info@smartlaundrylocker.com


10.1 Any dispute regarding the validity, existence, interpretation, compliance, breach or enforcement of these Terms and Conditions, as well as any aspect of the Products and Services, shall be settled exclusively before the Commercial Legislation of Colombia.


11.1 In case the User finds something that he/she considers objectionable or in violation of these Terms and Conditions, the User may report it to @smartlaundrylocker.com with the subject "COMPLAINTS".


12.1 Severability: If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be contrary to law, the provision shall be modified by the court and interpreted as best helps to achieve the objectives of the original provision to the fullest extent permitted by law and the remaining provisions of these Terms and Conditions shall continue in effect.

12.2 The User may not assign its assumed rights or obligations without the prior written consent of Laundry Locker (which shall not be unreasonably withheld). Laundry Locker may assign its rights and obligations under these Terms and Conditions without the User's consent.

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